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Bhavani Group

  • Client Name

    Bhavani Group

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    What We Did

    Digital Marketing

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    Complete Date



 The maritime industry is very competitive, and digital footprints are very basic. A strong ‘Online Presence’ is an opportunity that can highlight Bhavani Group’s achievements, requirements, and resources.

  Agix took a strategic approach to align the customer needs. A focused and collaborative approach was adopted to create the content, and the posts on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter to explain the services the Group provides, such as Surface Transportation, Freight Forwarding, and Warehouse Distribution. 

Wider social media audience attracted to cool pictures and crisp captions with a successful voyage that makes a strong presence online.

The competition in the shipping business is fierce, and the content posted needed to be unique, highlighting customer experience, offers, and customer service in change to make an actual difference.

Solution & Results

  •  Social media marketing has positioned the company very uniquely; increased traffic generated direct and indirect business leads. 
  •  Agix spent several brainstorming sessions on content & creativity ahead of online postings..
  •  Several iterations have been performed while deciding on which social platform to be used. Facebook is observed as the best place to post promotions, freight offers, and customer testimonials, along with Instagram, Twitter, etc. 
Case Study

Bhavani Group – A Marketing Approach.

Bhavani Group is headquartered in Mumbai, India; offering innovative and cost-effective logistics solutions with operations in the industrial hub of Mumbai..

The trailer fleet has propelled them to the forefront of freight logistics in India. Bhavani Group has a powerful reputation, but the Management was looking forward to making the company profile more creative. 

Agix is tasked with the project of increasing the online presence of Bhavani Group through social media marketing.


Client Feedback This Project

Jeekshit Shetty

Managing Director

It is great pleasure working with Agix International. From the moment we engeged with them, their team displayed professionalism, transparency, and a genuine desire to meet and exceed our expectations.